Posted by: AtlasMD

November 24, 2014

The Right People are Asking the Right Questions.


It’s a great time in healthcare.

Not only because more and more Direct Primary Care practices are popping up all over the country. Not only because patients are spreading the word about how DPC is working for them. And not only because now more than ever, doctors actually want to practice medicine.

There’s another reason why it’s such a great time to be in healthcare amid swirling chaos in the form of health insurance, doctor burnout and misinformation.

Medical students are asking for DPC training. 

And what’s better, the DPC community is willing to teach it. 

Students, residents, DPC professionals, they’re all talking about it. Talking about how to integrate DPC into the Family Medicine workforce pipeline. Talking about building dreams, supporting each other through those dreams, and believing in them past the point of fruition. Talking about actionable steps to take that make DPC a legitimate choice for docs out of residency.

What they’re really talking about, though, is the future of healthcare, and the sustainable business model that could not only provide quality healthcare to patients across the nation, but result in future generations of happy physicians who aren’t threatened by red tape, burnout, or anything else that would have them looking forward to retirement.

So yes, it’s a great time in healthcare.

A. Patrick Jonas, MD talks more on this issue – check out his article over at the Direct Primary Care Journal.