The Spirit Of Direct Primary Care: Entrepreneurship And A Drive To Serve

We’ve been harping the benefits of running a direct care practice. And we’ve admitted that it takes ambition to get yours off the ground. We, as advocates of direct care, are reacting against the complacency of the majority, against the headaches of seeing thousands of patients, of making patients wait for hours to see us for mere minutes. However, Dr. Neu’s ambition takes entrepreneurialship and creativity to a whole new level.

In order to raise capital for his direct primary care practice in Lawrence, Kansas (we’re neighbors practically!), he is offering lifetime primary care for just $5,000. In his words, “Considering $5,000 would only fund the average person’s ‘middle of the road’ health insurance premium for 15 months (with access to pay $40 co-pays and for $12 band-aids), it’s a bargain.” Go, Dr. Neu! His practice is running a model very similar to ours, with ~$40 monthly payments and small copays for additional lab work and procedures. He performs house calls and a variety of services.


Or, if you’re in the neighborhood and feel like investing in your health and Dr Neu’s practice’s future, click through to donate here. There are only twenty lifetime membership packages available.