Angela Dunn Rests Her Case For Technology Driving Concierge Medicine

Angela Dunn of HL7 (Health) Standards concluded her piece about technology and concierge medicine today.

She relied on Dr. Josh’s expertise and enthusiasm to prove her point. Concierge doctors are “using technology and social media as ‘tools’ to forge more human, more connected relationships with patients.”

She quoted Dr. Josh saying, “Social media is great. People want to see a doctor with a personality.”  He adds that social media is the way we might bring back a Dr. Webly style of medicine.

Angela Dunn believes that as the role of technology grows in medicine, the value of time will become even more apparent. Of course social media is an effective way to connect doctors’ expertise with patients in a timely manner. That’s why AtlasMD’s staff makes full use of technologies like Skype, Facebook, Twitter and text messaging. Privacy concerns do raise moral questions, though. For comparison, check out the American College of Physicians’ “rigid” ethical guidelines. Warning: it reads like something from the Victorian-era.

For AtlasMD, though, the issue isn’t about adhering to some “Ten Commandments” of social media. A more progressive stance might better serve patients, something like: Why am I a concierge doctor? Am I now trying to provide the BEST CARE POSSIBLE? And if so, why not make use of the BEST COMMUNICATION POSSIBLE?

Exactly. Used responsibly, the benefits of social media will outweigh the risks. Obviously, there’s much to figure out about the social graces of social media. That’s what these helpful posts about technology and social media are for.

You can read Angela’s full article here, too. But first, a Marcus Webly moment feels right. Chime off in the comments section about your favorite episodes…

Kidding, kidding. Get back to your patients. The comments can surely wait.