Great news for those docs trying out beta. We’ve rolled out another software update. The best part about browser-based software is that you actually don’t have to update anything. Just open up as usual and enjoy these improvements:
Patient-Only Searches
Now you can search for what you need within a patient’s record. Find prescribed drugs, diagnoses, etc. without leaving the file. Look for new options at the bottom of the search bar: one lets you search globally and the other restricts search to the current patient record.

Now you can search inside a patient’s file or globally.
Print Full Patient Record
We modified the print stylesheet so you can easily print a full patient record. From a patient file, open the cog drop down menu and select Print Complete Record.
PDF Chart Download
Now you can also download a patient record as a PDF (this helps if is having troubles printing directly from your browser). There are still a few typography quirks but we’re addressing those as we speak.
Simplified Tasks
Now completed tasks are not duplicated in the patient record. Only the original note is updated to show that the task is complete.
We hope you’re as excited as we are to deliver an EMR that doctors can satisfyingly use. If you have any feedback regarding EMR, send us an email. We’d love to hear from you.