Posted by: Atlas MD

July 13, 2022

What’s New in Save Draft Function, Custom Form Notes, and Macros for Lab Data.

In this next round of updates, we’ve turned our attention to improving the custom notes function that many of our users use to document patient well-being and provide updates to other medical professionals.

Save draft function

For added peace of mind when writing notes, we’ve introduced a way of actively saving anything you’ve already written. While notes already have an autosave feature, the ability to actively save drafts means you can decide when exactly you want to save your drafts, giving you control over when you want to save your work, and allowing you to come back to unfinished notes. Pending drafts will be visible in the header of your patients’ charts, so you can easily find any notes you were working on.

Custom form notes

When emailing forms to your patients, you may want to go into specific details about the form, particular conditions, or any other instructions. With custom form notes you can easily add a short, customized note that will accompany the email to your patient with the link to the form. The custom note has macros integration so you can automate commonly-used instructions or observations.

Macros for lab data

In order to provide easier ways to reference data points from imported lab results, we’ve now integrated’s macro autocompleter. This means you can now use the macro shortcuts #trend and #result to pull up the latest results for your patients. 

For example, if you want to reference the latest lab result concerning Triglycerides, you can type “#resulttrig” and will search for all matching data points.

This streamlines the process of attaching lab results to patient charts, as well as emailing report notes to patients and other doctors.

And that’s it! We’re really excited and confident that these notes will make your job that much easier. If you have any questions about how any of these updates work, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at