Have you ever been involved in this scenario:
A patient comes in with the flu.
You write them a prescription, dispense it, and they head on their way.
An hour (or worse, days) later, you find out the same patient has a pending refill for their blood pressure meds, due tomorrow.
Not only do you have to arrange for shipping when the patient was just in the clinic, but you’re also incurring additional overhead costs. Meanwhile, the patient has to wait for meds that could have been handed to them earlier.
Frustrating, right? That’s why we developed Refill Suggestions.
This new feature helps you group any upcoming refills with new prescriptions you’re writing for your patient.
Now, with one click, you can bundle all the medication your patient needs, both new prescriptions and any outstanding or upcoming refills.
This means no more extra shipping fees and admin for you. No missed refills and waiting for your patient.
Just wins and mountains of time saved for everyone involved.
For more information about how this feature works, check out our support article. And if you have any questions about Refill Suggestions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to support@atlas.md.