Posted by: Atlas MD

June 7, 2023

What’s New in Labs Follow-Up Reminder.

When requesting labs, it’s pretty common to have to repeat a test a few weeks or months down the line. While diary and calendar entries can do the trick, we thought we’d do one better with the Labs Follow-Up Reminder feature.

Now, when ordering labs for your patients, you can easily set up a follow-up reminder to notify you or your staff in a couple of weeks (or however long you need), to perform another test. will automatically set up a reminder for you or another member of staff to order a follow-up lab test in the future. The follow-up task reminder includes default details about the labs being ordered. You can, however, change them or add your own additional notes to help out your future self.

You can also use your macros to streamline common follow-up scenarios, such as referencing a previously requested lab.

If you have any questions about Labs Follow-Up Reminders, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line at