You’ve heard the stories about ICD-10 billing codes covering everything under the sun — suicide via jellyfish included. Well, in case you’re wondering where the idea came to kill yourself with a tentacular sea creature, look no further, we found the inspiration — Hollywood.
Tag Archives: codes
Flaming Jet Skis, Spacecraft Crashes, Suicide By Jellyfish… And The Attack Of ICD-10
Seriously, ICD-10 billing codes are coming. Unless you untangle yourself from the red tape of bureaucratically controlled healthcare, you are going to need to adjust to this staggering reform. The common way to deal with corporatocratic upgrades is with the classic seminar — and ICD-10 is no different. Thankfully, The Weekly Standard sent a writer to cover one such seminar… Attendees paid between $585 and $985 for a two-day “boot camp” taught by Annie Boynton, with credentials “longer than the alphabet… BS, RHIT, CPCO, CCS…” Students took their seats and found a thin spiral book—the “ICD-10-CD General Code Set Manual” for 2014—and a six-pound “ICD-10 Complete Draft Code Set” that was as thick as a phone book…
Atlas Blog Q&A: ICD codes, HL7 Feeds, and New Patient Forms
I wanted to share our follow-up with a doctor who recently wrote into us asking about direct care. Here’s her query:
Dr Josh,
Thanks again for speaking to me a couple of weeks ago about DPC. It was very helpful. I will be using your EMR program in my practice. Was wondering if the ICD codes are generated /accessible by/from your EMR?? Also, I was advised by the local lab I will be using to ask you if your EMR has a “HL7 feed” for importing lab results. One last thing, could we see what forms you are using in your new patient information packet? I have created my own from basic forms I have used in the past but was interested in seeing what you use. Thanks again for all your help and being a champion for the DPC movement. Wish you much continued success!
[name omitted]
These are fantastic questions. I’ll address them one at a time.
Running List Of The Best ICD-10 Codes
And if you needed any more reasons to be concerned with the future of health care as it pertains to insurance billing, look no further. We’ve compiled some of our favorite ICD-10 billing gaffs.
Here are some straight-up laugh-worthy ICD-10 codes:
R46.1, “bizarre personal appearance”
R46.0, “very low level of personal hygiene”
W22.02XA, “walked into lamppost, initial encounter”
W22.02XD, “walked into lamppost, subsequent encounter”
V91.07XA, “burn due to water-skis on fire”