EMR Security Update — Patient Opt-In EMR operates free from HIPAA regulation, and free from government scrutiny.

Instead patients are in the power seat to communicate as THEY see fit with their physicians.

When patients enroll, they can opt in to receive communications over non-HIPAA-compliant methods.

These non-HIPAA-compliant methods include confidential communications via SMS, email and Twitter DMs, and also general billing conducted via email.

Unless users check to allow these features, no private information will be communicated in any of these manners.

However, EMR will send emails to patients regarding billing, e.g. invoices, confirmation of payments, confirmation of refunds, and more.

Invoices, to the best of EMR’s abilities, will never contain any sensitive or compromising information.

Your Patients Want To Hear From You

Finally, some good news in the healthcare realm — this report from Mobi Health News outlines the extensive results of a survey related to digital communications. This section is most telling:

“Asked to list ‘most welcomed messages,’ respondents named three health-related messages. Sixty-nine percent welcomed a reminder about an upcoming appointment or vaccination, 57 percent mentioned a notice to reorder or pick up a prescription, and 39 percent would be happy with a message reminding them to schedule an appointment.”

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And Dr. Josh Is Quoted On, Again

hhOne could say that Atlas MD is on fire, after recent media attention. But now Forbes contributor Dave Chase (left) has posted a new article on He’s released an exclusive book excerpt from Engage! Transforming Healthcare Through Digital Patient Engagement. In his online article releasing an advanced read of a chapter he wrote, he’s included a quote from Dr. Josh:

“A good scalpel makes a better surgeon. Good communication makes a better doctor.” – Dr. Josh Umbehr

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