Pamela Wible Shares A Day Of Ideal Medicine

by Pamela Wible

Johnny’s disabled. He can’t get to my office anymore. So I drive 100 miles up the Oregon coast to check in on him. I get lost, but finally discover his little white house on the edge of a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

Read Dr. Wible’s complete post on

Dr. Wible’s a huge inspiration for us in Wichita.

Please, take a moment to experience her day at the “office”, or in this case, a man’s house in Oregon adjacent to a 100-foot cliff.

Posted by: AtlasMD

December 20, 2013

Wichita Eagle Spreads Direct Care Cheer

Thanks to reporter Kelsey Ryan who shared a touching Atlas MD story in her recent report on our model of care. She focused on one of our patients, Michael Scheidt, who’s been enrolled in our practice since around the time we opened up. His wife was extremely sick and practically bedridden when he signed them both up for Atlas MD care. Dr. Josh was able to drive to their home and check up on her, which helped them tremendously. Even after the passing of his wife, Scheidt told the Wichita paper that he keeps coming in to see us because it’s “just so darn cost effective.” This was a real tearjerker. Thanks for your kind words, Michael.

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