Congress is now going to vote to delay the ICD-10 implementation date.
Tag Archives: legislation
Telemedicine Bill Would Allow Docs To Practice Across State Lines
Medicare providers would be able to treat patients electronically across state lines without having to obtain multiple state medical licenses, according to new legislation proposed in the House this week. Cheers to ANY POLITICIAN WORKING TOWARDS LIMITING BUREAUCRACY.
Okay, so we’ve said red tape is never the way to go with primary care. But we do have to consider rural residents and people who might not have reasonable access to a direct care physician. In certain cases, especially with older patients on Medicare it might make more sense for them to see a physician across a state line, and do so using telemedicine.
For now, this seems like a promising development. Although, again so ironic, that NEW legislation is needed to correct a system bogged down by multiple state licensing. Again, we’re skeptical of a looming federal government controlling our entire healthcare insurance system. But, on the other hand, requiring doctors to get different licenses to see patients in different states gets silly, too. And, as is the case now, can prevent people from getting the quality care they deserve.

Direct Care IS The Rare Bipartisan Idea
We came across an article called “The Rare Bipartisan Health Idea: Affordable Concierge Medicine” over on New Atlantic Ventures (, a website promoting entrepreneurial endeavors. It makes sense that our Atlas MD style of direct care would be featured there, being as we believe healthcare can administered more effectively when coupled with free-market principles. To us it makes sense to run a business where WE are responsible for our profits and losses, WE interact with our customers directly, and WE succeed by giving them top-notch service. It so happens that in our case, doing our job well means we ensure healthy patients, something we take great pride in.