Now Chicago Tribune Is Praising Direct Primary Care

Now Chicago Tribune Is Praising Direct Primary Care

Chicago Tribune writer Christopher Gearon opened his recent piece about direct primary care with a question? “Ever need to wait a week or more to see your primary care doctor?” He then recommends that you take a cue from Debra Sallee, 58, a Seattle hair salon owner. She pays a flat fee of $79 a month and can see her family physician unlimited times — with no co-payments or health insurance forms.

“It’s just so convenient. They are at my beck and call,” she says.

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Just Another Day at the Concierge Medical Office

I feel like you might be tired of hearing another concierge medical success story. But then again, there’s still plenty of opposition to the model. Which brings up a post about how a concierge doctor saved a woman’s life. (Original link no longer available.)

The post from The DO, a blog for osteopathic physicians, features two doctors who successfully transitioned to the model.

One of the men, Dr. Schneiderman, a Monterey, California-based concierge medical doctor, was ready to leave his home state to practice medicine elsewhere. He was frustrated that he didn’t have actual time to spend with his patients. He tried everything. Working for the prison system, working for the Veterans Affairs system, and none of it made a difference.

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