EMR Security Update — Patient Opt-In EMR operates free from HIPAA regulation, and free from government scrutiny.

Instead patients are in the power seat to communicate as THEY see fit with their physicians.

When patients enroll, they can opt in to receive communications over non-HIPAA-compliant methods.

These non-HIPAA-compliant methods include confidential communications via SMS, email and Twitter DMs, and also general billing conducted via email.

Unless users check to allow these features, no private information will be communicated in any of these manners.

However, EMR will send emails to patients regarding billing, e.g. invoices, confirmation of payments, confirmation of refunds, and more.

Invoices, to the best of EMR’s abilities, will never contain any sensitive or compromising information.

America’s Broken Health Care System: The Role of Drug, Device Manufacturers

Health care costs are dramatically higher in the U.S. than in the rest of the world. Yet our health care outcomes – from life expectancy to infant mortality – are average at best. Few dispute these facts.

The real debate starts when we ask why. While there isn’t one single answer, the rapidly rising cost of drugs and medical devices is a significant factor.

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We’re Making For YOU, Not EVERYONE

DanSinkerYou may or may not know Dan Slinker. He’s taught journalism at Columbia College Chicago and was a Knight Fellow at Stanford University. He also created the controversially hilarious fake Twitter account @mayoremanuel.

He’s written a great article you should read here. His piece is entitled “Oh God, Don’t Make Things For ‘Everyone.’” and even though he’s writing about Vertigo Comics, a subsidiary of DC Comics, his point rings true with

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Make Friends With Social Media, Carefully

Concierge medicine opens up new opportunities to enhance patient-doctor relationships through social media. But doctors need to know how to use the tools to make the most of them. And they need to know how to do so responsibly. This first post will go over the basics. Keep this link handy, though, since links to more specific best practices will be added below over time.

Please be advised, do not start connecting with patients right away. At least not yet. First things first, get your head around social media. Then determine how you can use these tools to positively reinforce your relationship with the Web at large, as well as colleagues and patients.

If you’re already feeling comfortable with using Facebook and Twitter as a personal user, check out the growing list of topics covering Social Media Best Practices For Medical Professionals. Otherwise keep going for a breakdown of what Facebook and Twitter are useful for.

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