America Spends The Most On Healthcare. Tell That To 3,900 People Who Just Lost Their Hospital Jobs.

Affected by reduced payments, hospitals in Pennsylvania cut 3,900 jobs from February 2013 to February 2014. Oh and more layoffs and budget cuts are expected, according to data from the Pennsylvania Department of Labor & Industry and The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania.

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If 1 in 25 Hospital Patients Get An Infection, Then Let’s Keep People Out Of The Hospital

Healthcare technology continues to advance, but the CDC has new estimates on where infection rates aren’t falling — hospitals.

About one in 25 hospital patients in the U.S. pick up an infection during their care, according to a new estimate from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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Half Of Uninsured Plan To Go Without Coverage Past ACA Enrollment Deadline

The March 31 deadline to enroll in health insurance is coming! Half of uninsured people want to remain uninsured, according to a poll released today by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Are you one of those people? Then we recommend pledging support for direct care.

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That Didn’t Take Long. Congress Delays ICD-10 Legislation.


Congress is now going to vote to delay the ICD-10 implementation date.

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The ACA’s War On Care Starts With Not Paying Doctors

Doctors groups are worried that their members won’t get paid because of an unusual 90-day grace period for government-subsidized health plans. Now they’re urging physicians to check patients’ insurance status before every visit.

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Nine Reasons To Skip Obamacare And Find Direct Care Instead


The March 31 deadline for enrolling in Obamacare is coming! Millions of Americans have already lost their own private health insurance policies. Many more are facing rising premiums for their current plans. Small businesses are already facing tax hikes. And all of this because of the costly requirements of the new healthcare law.

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ACA Offers Cheap Insurance With Hefty Fees For Specialty Drugs


President Barack Obama promised affordable health insurance under his new law, and yes, Americans with serious illnesses are finding plans with relatively low monthly premiums. In a lot of cases, they’re getting first-time access to health insurance. But these cheap plans come with a staggering cost.

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Dear, ACA — Thanks For Taxing Small Businesses That Work To Pay For Something That Doesn’t. — Signed, Direct Care

A White House aide set off a stampede of media criticism for Internet news pioneer Matt Drudge over Obamacare – but his critics don’t seem to get how small businesses pay their taxes.

The drama started when Matt Drudge tweeted, “Just paid the Obamacare penalty for not ‘getting covered’… I’M CALLING IT A LIBERTY TAX.”

Liberty tax, Obamacare penalty, whatever you call it, it’s a classic case of red tape. Ironic, right, that even in rebelling against an intrusive bureaucracy, by cutting the red tape, we still get stuck with it.

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Five MORE Failures of the American Healthcare System

Second part in a series.

Supporting direct care is imperative to American healthcare success. It’s about empowering patient and doctor, and yes, taking back control from healthcare’s crony oligarchs: insurance & government. The fact is, if we use insurance for primary care — things like a physical, blood panels, monthly prescriptions, a splint for a sprained ankle — the only buyer and seller is the insurance company and/or the government. Why? It’s because we’re looking at a subsidized system involving the general public.

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Five Failures of the American Healthcare System

First part in a series.

We started practicing direct care because we knew there were major problems with American Healthcare. So what’s wrong with our profit-maximizing system. For starters, here’s five startling realities of our healthcare model:

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