For decades, primary care physicians ran their offices in a “physician-centric” manner. PCPs ran their offices during convenient hours, rarely reached out to patients when they weren’t in the office and spent virtually no energy building their brand or their patient experience.
Tag Archives: digital

The Clash Of The Titans Or David & Goliath? Apple And Google Revolutionize Digital Healthcare put together a rather comprehensive list of Apple’s and Google’s digital healthcare milestones on their website. Even if you aren’t going to use or purchase all of them, it’s worth considering as we gain traction on the ever-changing healthcare landscape. For sure, it’s exciting. Startups are rushing to the market, both disrupting existing products — our EMR could definitely be considered a disruptive technology — and reifying existing problems e.g. digital EMRs that help doctors navigate exponentially crippling ICD-10 codes.
More Mind The Gap Magic
Fear not, Stephen Wilkins’ new blog post could be construed as Luddite, but we’re totally on his side. He was prompted to write after Lloyd Dean, president and CEO of the San Francisco-based healthcare system, Dignity Health, announced something called the Dignity Health and Box Patient Education App Challenge. Dean is quoted in the announcement as saying:
“We recognize the immense potential that (health information) technology has to enhance our patients’ care and overall experience.”
Wilkins then asks, “Immense potential compared to what?”