Wall Street Journal Shares Pros and Cons of Concierge Medicine

Jen Wieczner of the Wall Street Journal stitched together a piece about the benefits and the doubts of concierge medicine. It did successfully clarify the outdated definition of concierge medicine, the personal medicine for jet setters. She also properly incorporated the term “direct primary care” as affordable, non-insurance based care, explaining that on one hand there still are “lavish, celebrity-type treatment” centers, but also a newly emerging option like our Atlas MD-model. She writes that “pared-down clinics charge roughly $50 to $100 a month for basic primary-care medicine, more accessible doctors, and yes, money savings for those looking to reduce their health spending.”

Not bad. That sounds like what we’re up to here at Atlas MD.

She also included this relevant stat. According to Concierge Medicine Today, “Of the estimated 5,500 concierge practices nationwide, about two-thirds charge less than $135 a month on average, up from 49% three years ago.” It’s believed our lower cost practices are driving growth in concierge medicine. Offices are being added at a rate of about 25% a year, says the American Academy of Private Physicians.

Also not bad. This is becoming the free market reaction we were hoping for.

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Atlas.md EMR — Tutorial Video — Doctor Profile

Drs. Josh and Doug show you how to customize your doctor profile. Leave a default sign-off when sending Rx to pharmacies, sync your Twitter account, set up your phone services, upload a profile pic, and more.


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There’s More Than One Way To Cut The Red Tape

Have you heard of Palmetto Proactive Healthcare?

They are an urgent care-type of cash-only practice. They charge cash for individual services but also offer an inclusive package for $60/month.

They’ve taken the red tape cutting to a new level. They’re offering a “Pay Penalty Promotion” for the next 30 people who sign up for a membership. What that means is that they will pay the $95 tax penalty assigned to people who ignore the ACA mandate.

Not bad, Palmetto. Not bad.


Posted by: AtlasMD

November 8, 2013

Insurers Are Hiding ACA Benefits From Customers, Like You Do…

We found an article coming at the Obamacare fiasco from the opposite direction. If you have a minute, it’s worth a read. However, we’d like to add a caveat to the piece.

First off, the story they highlighted is a bummer—Donna receiving a letter canceling her current insurance plan and offering a new plan in its place; Donna winding up with a premium that was over $1,000 per month higher than what was offered through the health exchange; Donna being mislead by her insurance company…

However, we’re still of the opinion that both sides of the media are spinning Obamacare and COMPLETELY missing the point. The point should be healthcare–which is totally separate from insurance. Somehow we forget that every time we get sucked into the Obamacare wormhole. So take this as our George Karlin or Bill Hicks moment. Sure, it’s nice to know that big government has taken a moral issue against shoddy insurance policies. But it’s worrisome to see the free market manipulated. Kind of reminds us of Ben Franklin’s saying: “Those who would trade liberty for security, deserve neither.” We’d rephrase it something like this: “Those who’d trade the free market for security, deserve neither.”

Surely, we’re idealistic. But our fight is a fight for price transparency. The demand for transparency is the only way that people like Donna don’t get fed misinformation. It’s misinformation that’s putting money in people’s pockets, when they’ve done nothing to improve a person’s health.


Posted by: AtlasMD

November 7, 2013

Ayn Rand, 1 : Healthcare, 0

Here’s an apt quotation, relevant on a broad scale, and specifically to the warped reality of our red-tape-wrapped healthcare system:

“Civilization is the progress of a society towards privacy. The savage’s whole existence is public, ruled by the laws of his tribe. Civilization is the process of setting man free from men.”

Following this logic, one could assert that our current system is barbaric. Sure, it sounds dramatic at first. But when you think about it in Randian terms, the assertion gains a more solemn truth. And not only that, but it makes direct care feel a bit more civilized.

Thank you, Forbes, for sharing this Quote of the Day.

The Latest Way Insurance Companies Are Trying To Pay Practices Less

The Latest Way Insurance Companies Are Trying To Pay Practices Less

Okay, so this is a departure from our red tape world. It looks like fee-for-service practices are noticing a new trend in payments from insurance companies and payers – they are actually paying for services rendered with credit cards or virtual credit cards.

A virtual credit card? Is that a real thing?
Yes it is. According to wiseGeek.com, “A virtual credit card, also known as a throwaway or temporary credit card, is a disposable payment card used for one-time purchases. It consists of a single-use credit card number generated by the credit card issuer. In most cases, virtual credit card numbers can only be used once, and will expire after about a month if not used.”

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Patient-Centered Communication Skills Correlate With High Productivity And Satisfaction Scores

People are forever telling Stephen Wilkins that he’s wasting his time talking to providers about the need to improve their patient communication skills. Here’s what the naysayers typically cite:

  1. Physicians usually think they’re good communicators already
  2. There’s no time to talk to patients
  3. Physicians aren’t paid to talk

Lucky for you, Wilkins easily debunks all three of these myths in his new blog post on Mind The Gap. It’s a great read, mostly because he builds a strong case for why patient-doctor communication is NOT a zero-sum game. He cites a recent publication suggesting that providers can in fact be productive while at the same time creating a satisfying patient experience.


Also included is a comparison of doctor scores from this study. Certain attributes are emphasized in the group that more successfully communicates, including a focus on teaching and explanations. That reminds us, why do we value the practice of direct care? At the core, it’s time. Teaching takes time, no matter how many self-help books we read or productivity apps we download.

Think of the fee-for-service physician who demanded 30 minutes with every patient (to the chagrin of her employer) and ourselves, who get to spend 45 minutes with every patient who comes in for a check-up. Learning how to communicate with patients is gaining the ability to teach your patients. And teaching them is key to them leaving your office with the ability to better take care of themselves. In essence, this is you being productive and more fully satisfying your patients.

Posted by: AtlasMD

November 6, 2013

Feds Modify FSA Use-It-or-Lose-It-Rule

Health flexible spending accounts (FSAs) are about get a bit more flexible. New federal guidance is to permit employers to let workers carry over unused amounts of up to $500 for expenses in the next year while still contributing up to $2,500 a year.

As you know, FSAs are voluntary account-based plans that help millions of Americans use pretax dollars to pay for eligible out-of-pocket health care expenses like prescription drugs, co-pays, and vision and dental costs. Unfortunately, you can’t yet use these pre-tax dollars at a “cash-only” clinic. That said, this is still positive health care news and definitely worth sharing.

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ACA Hysteria: Don’t Believe All The Hype (But Worry Nonetheless)

ACA Hysteria: Don’t Believe All The Hype (But Worry Nonetheless)

Michael Hiltzik from The Los Angeles Times wrote last week, “Obamacare’s critics are going to town on the cancellation letters millions of Americans are receiving from their health insurers…” This of course because of “healthcare reform” mandating that insurance plans meet certain requirements or be dissolved come Jan. 1.

Being as the President himself assured everyone that if they liked their insurance they’d be able to keep it, there’s obvious cause for alarm. Evidently, some people are especially bummed that they won’t get to keep their health plans that cost as little as $50 a month. Great price, right?

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Posted by: AtlasMD

November 5, 2013

NEW UPDATE: Atlas.md EMR Improves Search Features And More

Great news for those docs trying out Atlas.md beta. We’ve rolled out another software update. The best part about browser-based software is that you actually don’t have to update anything. Just open up Atlas.md as usual and enjoy these improvements:

Patient-Only Searches
Now you can search for what you need within a patient’s record. Find prescribed drugs, diagnoses, etc. without leaving the file. Look for new options at the bottom of the search bar: one lets you search globally and the other restricts search to the current patient record.

Now you can search inside a patient’s file or globally.

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