Posted by: AtlasMD

June 3, 2013

Meet Scott Borden, the HSA Guy

hsa-guy-scott-bordenScott Borden is “a passionate Health Savings Account (HSA) expert [whose] background has been in health insurance marketing and management for 23 years” according to a recent interview with Mary Pat Whaley from

Borden’s company Direct Pay Consulting provides services like conversion planning and execution, patient insurance education, management of wait-listed patients and much more.

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David Shaywitz Asks Healthcare Customer Service, Why Not Us?

David Shaywitz Asks Healthcare Customer Service, Why Not Us?

David Shaywitz wanted to get a flu shot for his child. So he used an app to find a location. The situation went awry and he wrote about it for Forbes. He was misdirected to a location that could not vaccinate his children, and then got the “we’ll transfer you to so-and-so” runaround at his own doctor’s office, culminating in multiple visits and “you’ve-got-to-be-kidding”-length waits.

Through his unfortunate experience he made three brilliant observations:

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Insurance Companies Are Not Fighting Fair

Check out this May 8 article by The New York Times. They present government data suggesting that hospitals are charging upwards of 400% of actual costs for non-optional procedures.

It’s a complex issue but the worrisome fact is that competing hospitals are charging wildly different rates for similar procedures based on whether a patient is using Medicare, private insurance or isn’t insured. The worst news is that hospitals might be charging the highest rates to uninsured people to cover their bottom line.

Here’s where hospitals are taking a hit:

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Fox News Columbia, South Carolina Reports On Concierge Medicine

MDVIP charges $1,500/year retainer, which comes to $125/month, a reasonable fee. However, the program operates within Medicare and traditional insurance payment. We sent out an email to find out more about what the retainer actually covers besides “all-access.” Mostly we’re curious if there are any benefits to the program that don’t entail insurance.

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Cut Costs By Keeping Patients Out of the Hospital

Cut Costs By Keeping Patients Out of the Hospital

The Atlantic posted a great article about Medicare and a private concierge medicine company providing exceptional preventative care. Give it a read.

The story covers Dr. Dougher, who works with HealthCare Partner as a primary physician in Los Angeles, California. But this is no ordinary doctor handling 1,500 patients, seeing 30-40 a day in a jam-packed office. No, Dougher sees six to eight patients per day, doing house calls for those too elderly to leave their homes.

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The EHR Marketplace Is Looking Grim

Sad news in the EHR field. A recent report from American Medical News covers a class action lawsuit filed against AllScripts Healthcare Solutions (AHS).

AHS’ product, MyWay, an EHR software program, was discontinued in late 2012. As a result, another company who provides medical supplies is also suing the company, because the licenses they acquired for $5 million are now defunct.

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Surprise! The Public Doesn’t Care About Healthcare.

That’s the conclusion that Gienna Shaw (@Gienna on Twitter) makes in her article on She cites an interesting catch-22: Healthcare providers need to market their business to succeed but people don’t want to be marketed to by healthcare providers.

It’s a funny society we live in—people accept Fanta girls behaving in ludicrously sexual ways (seriously, how often do women in colorful outfits just start dancing, wait… This happens at sports games, which primarily sell food nutritionists cringe at)—or they’d rather see ginormous beer bottles and fast food hamburgers.

What’s going on at Atlas?

If you’re a patient, or a friend, welcome. If you’re a fellow doctor, or a participant in a related medical field, welcome too. We’ve made all kinds of friends in our short time since launching Atlas. 

First, to our valued patients, and friends: You’ve supported us since we launched. You’ve been one of what are now 1,000+ patients who call Atlas home. You’re not the only reason Atlas exists, you are every reason Atlas exists. We are grateful that you’ve allowed us to provide unencumbered, honest-to-goodness healthcare. Thank you.

Atlas in Wichita is always going to be the birthplace of what we’re trying to do. Our first patients are the cornerstones of our goals. You proved that concierge medicine can work. But we want to make a bigger dent in the universe.

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It’s Business Time (Interview)

Critical Financial recently talked to Dr. Josh about the simple math behind his concierge medicine practice.

He pulled back the curtains on Oz so to speak. But instead of a frail old man, there’s some great insight into why government policy won’t fix anything (because the doctors have to provide the care) and why the current system looks about as silly as buying auto insurance that covers gas, flat tires and oil changes.

Check out the full interview here. Josh was delighted to air a few of his frustrations. We hope you’re as relieved to know you’re not the only one who’s feeling like primary care is looking a bit ridiculous these days.

Skeletons in the EMR Closet (Links)

Here’s a weekly round-up of articles pertaining the headache that is the state of EMR.

Most pain apps lack physician input
This quick read brings up a scary fact: over 30% of medical apps aren’t made with any input from doctors. While altruistic in nature, this just proves that not everything on the market is created equal.

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